Black Futsu Squash Recipe

Black futsu is healthy but not so tasty, especially for our kids. But as a parent, I would like to try to add this to my kid’s meal planning.  

Many black futsu squash recipes are there to turn them tasty. So recently, I thought of trying one of them, and all my family members, including my kids, happily eat it. 

I am so glad after seeing the empty plate and everyone’s satisfaction; I can’t express it. And surprisingly, it didn’t take much time or effort to make this squash

So to help mums like me, I will share the simple black futsu squash recipe below. It’s baked black futsu squash tossed in hazelnut pesto. If you love to know more about this dish, you are welcome to scroll down.

Black Futsu Squash Recipe 

Recipe by Lindsay G. Cabral
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Cuisine: JapanDifficulty: Simple


Prep time


Cooking time




Total time



Black futsu squash is healthy, and after following my today’s recipe, it will taste good as well. Today I will share the recipe for baked black futsu with hazelnut pesto. And to prepare this dish, you will need only a few ingredients to make the hazelnut pesto and the black futsu squash itself. 
Just bake the black futsu, make the hazelnut pesto and toss the baked squash in it, and it’s ready to serve. You will need only a few minutes in hand that too, just for baking. Making the pesto is simple. Let’s explore the full recipe and try this combination today.


  • One medium black futsu

  • 2tablespoon olive oil

  • ½ tablespoon sat

  • ½ tablespoon pepper

  • Ingredients for making the pesto
  • ½ cup sage leaves

  • ¼ cup hazelnuts

  • ¼ cup parsley

  • ¼ cup olive oil/regular oil

  • 1 cloves garlic

  • 2 tablespoon lemon juice, 

  • 2 tbsp miso paste

  • Red pepper flakes as per your taste 

  • Salt

  • Black pepper

  • Tools
  • Oven

  • Ovenproof Pan

  • Mixing Bowl

  • Small Bowls

  • Serving Plate

  • Parchment Paper

How to make Black Futsu Squash

  • Preheat the oven: While we are preparing, let’s put the oven for preheating. Set the oven to 400 degrees and let it preheat for 10 minutes. 
    Preheat the oven
  •  Preparation: Take one medium size black futsu squash, quarter, and slice it. Now rinse well with water, dry with a paper towel, and leave aside. Take 2 tablespoons of olive oil, ½ tablespoon salt, ½ back pepper in different small bowls, and you are ready to cook the black futsu. 
  • Arrange The Black Futsu: Take a mixing bowl, place the black futsu squash, add the salt and pepper and toss. Now take an ovenproof pan, and line it with parchment paper. Spray the olive oil and arrange the black futsu squash one by one flatly. 
    Arrange The Black Futsu
  • Bake the Black Futsu Squash: Wear the oven gloves put the tray in the preheated oven. Let it cook on the same heat (400 degrees) for 30 minutes. Check after 30 minutes the black futsu squash are well cooked or not with a toothpick. If the toothpick doesn’t come clean, bake for another 10 minutes at 325 degrees.
    Bake the Black Futsu Squash
  • Making Hazelnut Pesto: Take all the ingredients we mentioned above to make hazelnuts pesto in a blender. Now blend on high settings until everything blends well and turns into a smooth paste. Add salt and pepper as per need.
    Making Hazelnut Pesto
  • Toss the Squash: Now add 1 tablespoon butter in a pan, let it melt, and add the pesto. Cook it for 10 seconds, then add the cooked black futsu squash and toss on high flame for a few seconds, and that’s it.
    Toss the Squash
  • Serve: After mixing the squash and pesto now, it’s ready to serve. Place them on a serving plate and serve as per need. You can have this squash with rice or without, after tossing in hazelnut pesto now this squash can be eaten alone.

Recipe Video

Why Should You Try Baked Black Futsu Squash 

Black Futsu squash is a unique variety of winter squash that has a deep, rich color and an intense flavor. You can eat this squash baked, fried, or as a side dish. My recipe today is baked black futsu squash with hazelnut pesto. The combination is incredible; just try it once, and you will be amazed.

Additionally, this dish is not only delicious but very nutritious as well. It has high levels of vitamin A and C. These nutrients are essential for maintaining healthy blood pressure, skin health, and overall energy levels.

Plus, it is rich in beta carotene, a type of vitamin that helps promote eye health, lower cancer risk, and improve heart health. And it is also a good source of potassium, which helps to reduce inflammation and promote joint health. 

In addition to these physical benefits, black futsu squash is also low in calories and packed with dietary fibers, which can help curb craving behavior and support regularity throughout the day. It also contains vitamins B6, B3, and magnesium.

And most importantly, unlike some other types of squashes, black futsu doesn’t require any cooking or seasoning before you eat it.

You can also have it by simply carving it into thin slices and enjoying it as part of a salad or on its own as a savory dessert also!

How To Store Black Futsu Squash

I don’t think some leftover will be there, still if some are there, don’t worry its not wasted. Place them in a air tight box and store in the refrigerator for upto 2 days. But it’s better not to; making it is so simple, so whenever you want to eat, just bake and toss in the pesto, and it’s ready. 

Tips And Tricks

  • Ensure you have cut the black futsu as thinly as possible and pat dry before baking.
  • While seasoning the black futsu, don’t rub with your hand or use some tool to mix. Just gently give it a toss. It’s very soft, and after thinly slicing, chances are there it will break down.
  • Don’t overbake it or make it crispy. Then tossing in hazelnut pesto won’t be beneficial. 


Roasted black futsu is tasted by almost all of us, but how about roasted black futsu squash tossed in hazelnut pesto? When you add hazelnut pesto to the roasted squash, the dish becomes so delicious that anyone would love and appreciate it. No one can even imagine it’s possible to make the black futsu squash taste amazing just by tossing it in the hazelnut pesto. 

It’s just a matter of a few minutes and requires minimal effort. So you should definitely try this, and trust me, it will bring satisfaction and appreciation for you.  

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